presents a two years project!
ESCAPADES - some of our exciting, foolish and a little dangerous adventures around the globe!
Rebellion is a thing of the past.
And the mainstream is everywhere.
Life appears to be monotone.
And they all walk in circles.
Stuck in a square.
But our minds live outside this boarders.
And when inside, we long to escape.
Because when we close our eyes, the memories return.
Of invaluable escapades.
On the far side of this enclosure.
Where perceived rules cease to exist
'Cause at the top of these peaks, we have freedom at our feet.
And trivial troubles fly away in a white rush.
Reality splits like a knifes edge.
Because - outside of the mundane square, there is another place.
Where what is, turns into what is possible.
What matters.
And what is fun.
Marinus Höflinger, Bene Höflinger, Dominik Hartmann, Ambros Fürstaller, Basti Färber, Flo Geyer, Thomas Trifonitchev, Daniel Gassner, Jürgen Nigg, Torge Nagel, Tom Ritsch, Severin Guggemoos, Felix Althammer, Christian Jenny, Flo Göller, Dominik Sagmeister, Julius Schneider, Tobias Huber, Georg Stückler, Sebastian Müller, Paul Klein, Patrick Gstrein, Akki Bruchhausen, Sven Rauber, Lukas Müllauer, Bernhard Liebl, Tobias Bretzke, André Sonderegger, Adrian Gaiser
Shot on location in:
Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Canada, Japan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Chile
Directed by

the mountains shall bring peace to the people
